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ub english courses


ub english courses

Students will think through the theoretical problems of comparison, which insist on maintaining historical specificity even while developing nuanced formulations of hybridity and cross-cultural dialogue. Examination of works of literature that revolve around representations of the relationships between law, community, religion, and the state, with attention to the relationship between legal interpretation and textual analysis. Modern and Contemporary British Poetry Study of twentieth- and twenty-first century poetry and poetry movements in the British Isles. Class schedules provide easy access to courses offered by academic departments, including undergraduate, graduate/professional schools, continuing education and summer sessions. Introduction to the study of what short fiction does, how it does it, and what it can do that no other literary genre can. Credits:  3 Semester(s):  Varies Pre-requisite:  Completion of Communication Literacy 1 or completion of Writing Skills 1 (ENG 101 or placement into ENG 201) Type: SEM Grading: Graded, Credits:  3 Semester(s):  Varies Pre-requisite:  Completion of Communication Literacy 1 or completion of Writing Skills 1 (ENG 101 or placement into ENG 201) Type: LEC Grading: Graded, Credits: 3 Semester(s): (No information on typically offered semesters) Pre-requisite: Freshman And Sophomore Standing Only Type: SEM Grading: Graded (A-F). C: Arab Literature Studies in literature by Arab writers in English translation, including focus on topics like Arab women writers, the Arab novel, and Palestinian literature. This course is an introductory-level survey of Shakespeare's earlier works--that is, a selection of those plays and poems written before 1600: sonnets, comedies, and histories. Various topics from Old English and Middle English literature. Poets may include Yeats, Stein, Loy, Pound, Williams, H.D., Moore, Stevens, Toomer, Crane, and Hughes, among others. Credits: 3 Semester(s): (No information on typically offered semesters) Pre-requisite: ENG 390 or ENG 391 Type: SEM Grading: Graded (A-F). It approaches the intersections among these categories and how they have evolved in relation to each other in complex and dynamic ways. The Department is characterized by a vibrant environment conducive to fruitful engagement of faculty and students. B: "U.S. Women Writers" explores U.S. women's writing as it participates in mainstream literary and rhetorical traditions and creates its own counter-traditions. A. Poetry and Poetics of Innovation: Study of the poetry and poetics of innovation; focus may include the avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century in Europe, modernism, and contemporary innovative poetics as practiced in North America, the British Isles, and Europe. Pre-requisite: ENG 101 Type: LEC Grading: Graded (A-F). We'll look at the ways in which writers began to study the customs and habits of other societies and of their own societies. What did it do or try to do? In the English department, students — majors and minors, alongside interested students from a range of disciplines — discover the power and resources of the English language primarily through the study of British, American, and Anglophone literary traditions. Introduction to the forms, language, and history of poetry and to methods of poetic interpretation. Literature always finds itself both immersed in technology (in that technologies are used to produce the books and stories we read) and commenting on it (in the content of those books and stories). Issues may include history, national identity, sexuality, reproduction, spaces and bodies, and belief. 317a covers 1660 to 1800, and may include plays by Behn, Congreve, Wycherley, among others. For detailed descriptions of current courses, see the Whole English Catalog. Each student will compose twenty pages of graded and revised writing. The content of this course is variable as specified in particular course sections and therefore it is repeatable for credit. Examination of such topics as popular culture, practices of everyday life, theories of sacrifice, group psychology, institutions and counter-institutions, ritual, commodity aesthetics, criminology, urbanism, television, fashion, and cuisine. A survey of several feminist frameworks for thinking about gender, sex, sexuality, race, class, and oppression including a consideration of the ways in which gender has left its mark on literary history and culture. The class will focus on close reading of selected poets representing each poetic movement in conjunction with selected criticisms by these poets. Students will learn how to craft essays on poetry, fiction and non-fiction as well as how to locate historical and critical sources, create annotated bibliographies, enter into critical and theoretical conversations in their own essays, and present research orally and visually. Discussion may focus on questions of reading and interpretation, linguistics and poetics, narrative, rhetoric, genre, literature and the arts, or politics and education. For example 383B: Prof. W. Hakala, Afghanistan in the Travelers Eye Afghanistan has long attracted the attention of people from afar. Intensive fiction workshop in which students submit original work for review and revision and offer critical response to their peers. Study of writing in a variety of genres from contact with the Americas to 1750. Fiction prior to and including the first British novels; authors may include Aphra Behn, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, or Frances Burney. This course studies literatures from various diasporas that highlight the effects of straddling different cultural worlds. UB Women answer Present at this year Women’s Day Celebrations . As old and as varied as the history of literature itself, the literature of war crosses time periods, national traditions, and genres. It will introduce students to literary studies in general and prepare them to take advanced 300- and 400-level courses in Shakespeare and other early literature. English taught programmes; Learning french at uB; French courses for refugees; ADMISSION. A survey of some of the major moments in the evolution of science fiction, including writers like Clarke, Delany, Le Guin, and Verne and such movies as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner. Credits: 3 Semester(s): (No information on typically offered semesters) Requisites: Placement determined by SAT and/or ACT score Type: LEC Grading: Graded (A-F). Second semester of the General Education Writing Skills Requirement. Study of literatures from various diasporas that highlight the effects of straddling different cultural worlds. How do generational differences affect the literary production of these diaspora communities? Literature of Britain and Ireland, from the beginnings to the late eighteenth century. Contemporary professional communication occurs across media platforms and through a variety of devices, as such this course addresses a range of digital and visual communication strategies. This course is intended to serve not just as an introduction to the motivations and experiences of travelers to Afghanistan, but also to the forms of knowledge that are produced in the wake of such travels. Students who have previously attempted the course and received a grade other than W may not register for this course during the fall or spring semester. The content of this course is variable and therefore it is repeatable for credit. To what extent can you believe what you see is not clouded by your own beliefs and opinion? Finally, we will consider how literary representations of war might themselves constitute an attempt to find alternatives to war. Themes of focus may include historical perspectives from the Mexican American War (1848) to the present day; immigration, the border and the criminalization of Latinos; hemispheric approaches to the Americas. Tolkien and the film versions based on those narratives will be read/viewed and the major themes and cultural issues found will be analyzed: language and myth, the relationship of good and evil, heroism, environmentalism, totalitarianism, agrarianism, and issues of gender. Modern and Contemporary North American Poetry Study of twentieth- and twenty-first century poetry and poetry movements of North America. Introduction to the language, literature, and culture of Anglo-Saxon England. This course pushes students to examine how every action a journalist makes in gathering, organizing and presenting the news requires a value judgment. Study of poetry movements, sometimes focusing on a single movement and sometimes on comparative study of two or more; movements considered may include Romanticism, the Pre-Raphaelites, Modernism, the Beats, the Black Arts Movement, and LANGUAGE Poetry. Introduction to selected Asian American literary texts and the cultural, historical, and political issues that inform them. Application procedure for international degree-seeking students. The Department of English's CL2 courses include 202 (Technical Writing), 207 (Creative Writing), 208 (Writing About Literature), 209 (Writing about Science), 210 (Professional Writing), and 285 (Writing in the Health Sciences), and any other course designated CL-2 here: https://www.buffalo. What are the criteria for comparing one culture to another? Women Exercising their Civil Rights. Selected topics in American literature, including attention to critical questions at the forefront of current criticism in American literature and American studies. This course is a controlled enrollment (impacted) course. Credits: 3 Semester(s): (No information on typically offered semesters) Type: LR Grading: Graded (A-F). How do these works help us redefine the relationship between individuals and their environments? A: Transnational Literature The study of literature from geographically and culturally diverse places that undermines the usual classification of literary texts in terms of national and regional literatures B: Literature in Translation Major texts in English translation, viewed in light of cultural and aesthetic cross-currents. The content of this course is variable as specified in particular course sections and therefore it is repeatable for credit. Introduction to the variety of cultural works produced by U.S. Latinx/a writers and artists, from poetry and plays to novels and films. In science fiction and elsewhere, literature often asks us to reflect critically on ideas of progress and newness that ordinarily accompany technological change. Examination of the central role played by gender and sexuality in the history, culture, and literature of the nineteenth century. In the English department, students — majors and minors, alongside interested students from a range of disciplines — discover the power and resources of the English language primarily through the study of British, American, and Anglophone literary traditions. British drama from roughly 1450 to 1660, from late-medieval mystery and morality plays to the establishment of a professional theatre under Elizabeth I and its development through the Jacobean and Caroline periods. In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, available textbook information is accessible by … Realism, naturalism, and early modernism, including work by such authors as Twain, both Henry and William James, Chesnutt, DuBois, Wharton, Chopin, Mart?, Stein, London, and Dreiser. Selected readings in African American literature, theory, and history. This course surveys Shakespeare's later works. Admission procedure for international degree-seeking students. Students will cultivate literary critical skills both by looking closely at individual works, and by comparing such works with other examples of literary approaches to nature. The University Grade Repeat Policy does not apply. 506 Hist Of English Language. *The Hunger Games*, *Thirteen Reasons Why*) and historical (*Oliver Twist*, *Alice in Wonderland*). British poetry and prose written mainly between 1780 and 1832 by such writers as Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Byron, and Wollstonecraft. Study of the oral and written literature of Native Americans. Materials may include novels, poetry, music, film, and art. What is the impact of literary greatness on the cultural history of a society? E: African Literature Studies in literature from Africa in English and English translation, including focus on topics like African women writers, the African novel, and African drama. The UB is delivering more than 150 of what are formally known as university master’s degree courses. Practice in developing complex interpretations of human experience and values as represented in various media. The University Grade Repeat Policy does not apply. A. 317b covers romantic drama between 1770 and 1830, featuring works by Baillie, Inchbald, Shelley, and Byron. Study of writers and the literary field in the United Kingdom during the modernist period, with attention devoted to topics like the rise of mass politics and mass culture, imperialism and colonial administration, and particularly British responses to transnational literary formations. The content of this course is variable as specified in particular course sections and therefore it is repeatable for credit. Credits: 3 Grading: Graded (GRD) Typically Offered: Fall, Spring. Following a chronological approach, the class will cover the period from the so-called High Modernism to the present, studying the major poetic movements such as Imagism, the Objectivists, the Fugitives, the Confessional School, the New York School, the Harlem Renaissance, the Beat Movement, the Deep Image School, the Language poetry, and others. Study of diverse writing that informs the contemporary literary scene and marketplace of poetry and fiction, designed for practicing writers. Prerequisite for all subsequent creative writing courses. The content of this course is variable as specified in particular course sections and therefore it is repeatable for credit. Brussels Education Center offers language courses in Dutch, French, English, German, Spanish and Italian for all levels. Credits: 3 Semester(s): (No information on typically offered semesters) Pre-requisite: ENG 461 Or TH 485 Type: SEM Grading: Graded (A-F). The content of this course is variable as specified in particular course sections and therefore it is repeatable for credit. The major fiction of J.R.R. Study of the novel as written in the U.S.; may also include attention to novels written elsewhere in North America and in South America. Study of various film genres (melodrama, horror, film noir, comedy, science fiction, westerns) and sub-genres (maternal melodrama, splatter films, police procedurals, cyberpunk) as artistic texts and as Hollywood marketing strategies. Reading and analysis of essays on scientific topics written for a general audience, and practice writing such as essays. Tel. Study of the cultural production of Latinos in the U.S., potentially including exploration of performance art, graphic novels and film. What are the criteria for literary greatness? The course uses the Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics as a model and guideline. The University Grade Repeat Policy does not apply. An investigation of genres of professional and workplace communication that are common across the business world including memos, progress reports, and presentations. Study of the literatures of colonized or previously colonized peoples and their diasporas. This course will consider the development of great literary works in relation to the social, cultural, political and artistic movements from which they evolved, and their subsequent contribution to the culture of the English speaking world ( in contradistinction to other cultural contexts). Practice in developing essays with variable emphases on purpose, subject, audience, and persuasion; in constructing mature sentences and paragraphs; and in revising. Central themes may include Latino cultural theory, hemispheric approaches, Latin American literature in translation, immigration and the borderlands, Latino re-workings of Latin American novels. The University Grade Repeat Policy does not apply. Our Bachelor of Arts in English program prepares you for positions in publications and communications (media production, ... you'll have the option to take courses in a suggested area of focus: A Literature and Culture focus fosters the development of critical-thinking and interpretive skills through the study of literary works, aesthetics and historical perspectives from around the world. Various literary and cultural topics that cross national, linguistic, and cultural borders.

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