Syrian refugees in Iran


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Sending refugees for these kinds of tasks is against the Geneva convention," said Mohammad Rafi Naderi, a lawyer.The Iranian Embassy in Kabul has said that these men who go to Syria to fight do so at their own discretion and that his country has not forced any Afghan refugee to go to war. I told them that I was not interested to make troubles in another country while our country itself is dealing with lots of challenges. "Misusing refugees by host states is against international laws. They said these are the bodies of men who died fighting in Syria.Around three million Afghans fled to Iran over the past few years as refugees.

Life as a refugee in Lebanon is hard. They cite Syrian refugees – which number around a million in Lebanon, a quarter of the country’s population – as a key source of the ongoing economic hardship. The Afghan government earlier said that they do not have any proof that shows Afghan refugees are taking part in the war.Meanwhile a number of lawyers have said that sending Afghan refugees to Syria benefits the Iranian government. They said these are the bodies of men who died fighting in Syria.Around three million Afghans fled to Iran over the past few years as refugees.

"In Tehran, we witnessed the return of a dead Afghan from the Syria war on a daily basis. However, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan is worried that an assault on Idlib would result in some 3 million residents of the province flooding over the border to southern Turkey, exacerbating a refugee crisis there.Can Lebanon still chase natural gas after the Beirut explosion?15,000 register as volunteers for Covid-19 vaccine trial in UAEAl Hijri: UAE to mark Islamic New Year with public holidayScotland's first hijab-wearing TV reporter breaks glass ceilingGCC chief condemns Turkey's threats against the UAEGCC chief condemns Turkey's threats against the UAE

A Muslim should help other Muslims when called for help.

I told them that I was not interested to make troubles in another country while our country itself is dealing with lots of challenges. A Russian initiative to facilitate the return of Syrian refugees from neighbouring countries has stalled under budgetary constraintsA member of Russia’s lower house of parliament, Sergei Neverov, has called on lawmakers in Iran and Turkey to coordinate with Moscow to help millions of displaced Syrians return home.Mr Neverov, deputy chairman of the State Duma aligned with the ruling United Russia party, proposed that lawmakers from Turkey and Iran who are responsible for international affairs should hold a joint conference to help facilitate the return of Syrian refugees displaced by the eight-year conflict.“I am confident that in the framework of parliamentary diplomacy, we can significantly move forward in solving this serious humanitarian problem affecting the fate of hundreds of thousands of innocent people who are forced to endure hardship and suffering,” Mr Neverov said during a meeting in Moscow with the foreign affairs committees of the parliaments of Turkey and Iran.In July 2018, Russia launched an initiative to repatriate the 5.6 million people who have fled Syria since 2011. Some of the return refugees however tell harrowing tales of Afghans on the battlefields in Syria.One young man who has returned to Afghanistan did so after Iranian intelligence officials allegedly tried to recruit him to fight in Syria for Assad. Officials in Lebanon, which is hosting more than 1 million Syrian refugees, welcomed the initiative, but have told Yury Vidakas, Russia’s Charge D'affaires in the UAE, told “Once again, this is a different level of our collaboration because we are concerned about the Syrian refugees,” he said pointing out that there were already military and senior diplomatic discussions on such topics.“Our policy is a constant one, Syrian refugees and regional security are of primary concern and [if it’s] parliamentary [delegations] or any other instrument but if you make things slightly better and minimize the negatives on the situation then it will be great and it will contribute to peace and the safe return to their country.”As the war in Syria slowly grinds to a halt, Russia has lobbied Western governments to deliver vital funding to facilitate the return of Syrians from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. "I worked in a shop in Tehran. "Iranian officials allegedly train Afghan refugees to fight in a suburb of Tehran and then send them to Syria as part of a special unit, called Fatimion, which is made up of Afghan refugees, said return refugees.These young men said that they had friends who had been sent to Syria by the Iranian government, but only one of them returned alive – albeit wounded. Iran only has a small number of refugees that flee to find resettlement elsewhere. The return refugees also said Iran's intelligence ministry promise Afghans money and permanent residency in exchange for them going to Syria to fight.According to some return refugees, there are hundreds of unclaimed bodies of Afghans lying in Tehran's mortuary.

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Syrian refugees in Iran

Syrian refugees in Iran

Syrian refugees in Iran

Syrian refugees in Iran