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Same thing about lechón, yes I understand that the word is from Spanish meaning "roast". Home / People / Facts / Are Filipinos Hispanic? Yes, we have a LOT of Spanish words in most of our mainstream Philippine languages, but they've been changed to fit Philippine orthography. The person’s definition of the word “Hispanic” would be crucial in making the decision.The most widely-spoken languages are Tagalog-based Filipino and English (the result of a U.S. colonial presence from 1898-1946 and continued close political, economic, migratory, and military ties with the U.S. since 1946). The fungus usually infects the lungs causing flu … In relation to this, a population survey conducted by German ethnographer In sharp contrast, another view is that the ratio of the population which spoke Spanish as their Other Philippine languages in the country with at least 1,000,000 native and indigenous speakers include Historically, ancient Filipinos held animistic beliefs that were influenced by There are currently more than 10 million Filipinos who live overseas. isFeed1x1=false;

With the ever-changing reality of our world due to COVID-19, there has been one constant throughout these past unforeseen months, masks. I am more-than open to the idea of Spanish becoming re-officiated and taught to the mass population, because after all, our historical documents such as the Malolos Constitution and the works of José Rizal, were in Spanish. Neither am I trying to dictate what you consider yourself, I simply have two words for what I'm doing: being realistic. Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends The number of individual languages listed for Philippines is 185.