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48 terms. The wobblies came from the shabbiest working conditions and when they revolted they were beaten, arrested, or driven out of towm.Many people believed that the Alien and Sedition Acts bent or broke the first ammendment. 1919, the 18th Amendment prohibited the sale and drinking of alcohol. Zimmermann Telegram, coded message sent January 16, 1917, by German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann to the German minister in Mexico. The IWW particularly appealed to migratory workers in agriculture and lumbering and to miners, all of whom suffered from horrific working conditions.A world organization of national governments proposed by President Woodrow Wilson and established by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Although war was avoided, tensions grew between the United States and Mexico.Led by Senators William Borah of Idaho and Hiram Johnson of California, this was a hard-core group of militant isolationists who opposed the Wilsonian dream of international cooperation in the League of Nations after World War I. Also called the wobblies or I won't work organization. Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre At the Paris Conference in 1919, the Big Four—Italy, led by Vittorio Orlando, France, led by Georges Clemenceau, Britain, led by David Lloyd George, and the U.S., led by Wilson—basically dictated the terms of the treaty. Please select the correct language below. Proposed an alliance between Mexico and and Germany. Proposed an alliance between Mexico and and Germany. fayebmallari. It worked to facilitate peaceful international cooperation. (1874-1964) A Quaker-humanitarian tapped to head the Food Administration during World War I.

This message helped draw the United States into the war and thus changed the course of history. It was a precursor to labor-friendly legislation passed during the New Deal.This constitutional amendment, finally passed by Congress in 1919 and ratified in 1920, gave women the right to vote over seventy years after the first organized calls for woman's suffrage in Seneca Falls, New York.An arrest of American sailors by the Mexican government that spurred Woodrow Wilson to dispatch the American navy to seize the port of Veracruz in April 1914. Also known as the Wobblies, engineered some of the most damaging industrial sabotage and not without reason. In addition people started growing vistory gardens everywhere and farmers increased production by one fourth.The wave of self safrifice lead to no more alcohol being drunk by anyone. This was sent by the German Foreign Minister, Arthur Zimmerman, to the government of Mexico but it was intercepted by Britain who, on February 25, gave it to Wilson. (1855-1926) A tireless socialist leader who organized the American Railway Union in the Pullman Strike in 1894. Espionage and Sedition Acts Members of the Industrial Workers of the World and the antiwar socialists were often persecutesMembers of this organization were commonly persecuted under the Alien and Sedition Acts. cause. Units of the AEF fought at Cantigny in May and at Chateau Thierry and Belleau Wood in June; its major engagements were at Saint Mihiel (September 12-15) and the Meuse-Argonne (September 26-November 11.Passed under Woodrow Wilson, this law granted assistance to federal civil-service employees during periods of disability. Español In January 1917, British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, Heinrich von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause. (1850-1924) A prominent Republican senator from Massachusetts, Lodge was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a persistent thorn in President Wilson's internationalist side when he crusaded against the League of Nations.The name given to the U.S. Army force deployed to Europe in World War I commanded by General John J. Pershing and composed mostly of conscripts.

One of the few major battles that Americans participated in during the entire war, it was still under way when the war ended.Woodrow Wilson's proposal to ensure peace after World War I, calling for an end to secret treaties, widespread arms reduction, national self-determination, and a new league of nations.Designed to appeal to new women voters, this act provided federally financed instruction in maternal and infant health care and expanded the role of government in family welfare.This tariff provided for a substantial reduction of rates and enacted an unprecedented, graduated federal income tax. The US threatened to cut all diplomatic ties with Germany over this incident. Henry Cabot Lodge This led to Wilson asking Congress to declare war on 4/2/1917. Zimmerman Note When the note was intercepted and published in March 1917, it caused an uproar that made some Americans more willing to enter the war. "Law extending the anti-trust protections of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and exempting labor unions and agricultural organizations from antimonopoly constraints. Lodge now came up with fourteen “reservations” to the Treaty of Versailles, which sought to safeguard American sovereignty. 27 terms. Because the United States entered the war so late, by the time the AEF was raised, trained, and deployed, the war was in its last year (1918). He lost the election of 1932 to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt, who advocated a more activist role for the federal government. He got rid of ration cards and went on the idea of voluntary help for the army.


This led to Wilson asking Congress to declare war on 4/2/1917. After a career in the consular service, Zimmermann won transfer to the diplomatic branch in 1901. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen. Is Paris Burning?

* Then, the Zimmerman note was intercepted and published on March 1, 1917. The NWP combined militant feminist protest action with controversial opposition to America's involvement in World War I, and in 1923 it launched the movement for an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.German submarines, named for the German Unterseeboot, or "undersea boat," proved deadly for Allied ships in the war zone.

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