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So lets start celebrating this special occasion.

Bon Voyage!May you reach your destination without any problems! You birthday is so hot”“Having too many birthdays means that you are running closer to death. Happy birthday.A birthday is that beautiful occasion on which one should forget all his or her worries of the world and just celebrate, that God has at least given them a chance to come to this world and prove themselves.There is no other brother like you. If you make a purchase through this link I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Time moves fast. May you succeed in every race of the life. Live long.May you find all your dreams coming true. On this special day, i wish you a really happy birthday.You are that one person in my life, that i always want to see happy. Birthdays are teaching lessons if one could just take a moment and think about it. Have a lovely birthday”“I wish that this special day brings lots and lots of happiness in your life, and all your problems get solved. Happy Birthday, there are many more to come”“Let me wish you as a first person. You want to stay alive in the heart of the people, In the minds of the people. Thank God for letting us live in this beautiful life. Save travels!May only good things happen to you during your trip!

So one day I decided I had enough of feeling like that and I decided it was time to turn my life around and so I started my personal development journey and here I am, a happy person. In everyone’s life there comes a point where everything is messed up and we want to change . May you live as long as the water exists on this planet. Happy Birthday.I hope this beautiful and wonderful occasion gives you a lot of happiness and fills your heart with joy. We look back at the life and realize where we have left and where we are now.

Yes! May you live for eternity.It doesn’t matter, which birthday this is. Because you look like you are 50, even though you are sixty”“Grow more and more older and go toothless. Happy Birthday.You are the best person in my life, i wish you a very happy birthday. Think: Friends in cars, low-stakes antics, and, of course, the hard-earned happy ending. Happy Belated Birthday”“May your coming year give you happiness, and you get all the desired goals”“On this special day of your life, I wish that you get more happiness and joy you deserve and your all dreams come true. 1. You have been very strong and always backed me up. Enjoy your trip! I want to do it before anyone else. May you have many more.On this special occasion, what sort of treat would i expect?Birthday is one of the most joyful occasions. We should only celebrate that this is that one day which brings all the memories and friends and family together. We are meant to be sisters. But also our families love to travel often and far. Enjoy your trip and come back with your suitcase full of memories.

Have a special birthday and may you have many more”“Whenever I ask you for your age, you change the topic. You are the best. Time moves fast. On this occasion, you should thank God for giving you another year. Have a belated birthday”“As the years are passing, you are getting on the top of hill, Well, it’s better than being buried under it”“Birthdays are compared with the boogers. We never know.

Ha Ha. Happy Birthday”On this special day, I wish that the every day of your next year be filled with love, joy, happiness, and warmth.

Happy birthday. I miss our childhood. Follow us through the miracles of this world and our hometown Barcelona and you will be rewarded with a bunch of practical travel tips.This post might contain affiliate links. You are my best and foremost. Be gorgeous as always and happy birthday fellow.With each passing year are growing older and more beautiful. May all the best things happen to you on this birthday.

I Love You. May you live long.I hope your are being responsible as you grow up.

Happy Birthday”“Age is just a number to you, no matter how many years you pass, you will still be the best and most special person I know. Birthdays are real hard. May you have many more.I wish you a very happy birthday. May you live a thousand years.If this is your birthday, then i must be out somewhere with you getting a treat form you rather than sitting around here and doing nothing.

Without you i would have been lost somewhere in the past. It’s not like it’s over because she has kind of a happy ending. Have a lovely birthday.On your special day, I have a duty of calling the firing squad to blow out the 50 candles on your cake.

On one hand, you celebrate that on this day you were born and on other hand, you freak out that another year of your life has gone.

Ha Ha, May you have many more special birthdays”“Do not blow the candles now, fire squad is on the way to do their job”“Cake is not visible because of the candles on it, do you remember those days when there were only few candles on it? Happy Birthday, stay happy and remember me in your prayers”“Pray to God on your special day and I wish that you get a long life without tensions and problems”Lets light the candles and cut the cake and celebrate your special day with great joy. Wishing you a very happy birthday mom. Happy Birthday to you”“Happy Birthday!

These funny ultimate funny birthday wishes will surely put a smile on the face of the reader.

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happy journey means

happy journey means

happy journey means

happy journey means