persian wars important battles


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The modern estimates place the Persian forces at Thermopylae at as low as 70,000, while ancient historians claimed the Persians numbered as high as 2,600,000. As a result of this battle, Alexander now gained control of Southern Asia Minor, and also captured Darius’s wife and daughter (both named Stateira.) 8,000 Tyrians were killed in the siege or executed afterwards, while perhaps 30,000 civilians were enslaved. This man killed Darius, and declared himself the King Of Kings. While I have heard of Alexander the Great, I never knew much about him or his military accomplishments.I find the time period of the Greco-Persian Wars to be fascinating. They were the battle of Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis and Plataea. The Athenian victory was a major boost to Greek confidence, and demonstrated that the citizen army of newly-democratic Athens could excel, thereby also serving as a victory for democracy. Victory dedications and statues were erected and, for the Greeks, the The defeat at Thermopylae, though glorious, allowed the Persians to make in-roads into Greece.

One of the most recognizable battles of all time, Marathoninvolved thousands of defending Greeks versus hundreds of thousands of invading Persians. With this siege, Alexander now ruled the Levant, in addition to most of Asia Minor and Greece. After reading the discription of the The Battles of Artemisium and Thermopylae, I could not help but think of the 300 Spartan soldiers, lead by King Leonidas I, heroically taking on the thousands of Persian soldiers in battle. The Second Persian War in 480-479 BC had three major battles (Thermopylae, Salamis, Plataea).

Yet, the Persians sustained many more losses than the Greeks: 200 Persian ships lost to 100 Greek ships, and 20,000 Persians soldiers lost to 4,000 Greek soldiers.These battles have become celebrated in Western Civilization as examples of Western bravery, with slain By this point in the war, the situation looked grim for Greece. In a battle in which 40,850 Greco-Macedonians fought against 25,000 to 108,000 Persians, Alexander’s army sustained 7,000 losses, to Darius’s 20,000.The battle was especially fierce; a key moment, seen in the mosaic above,  has Alexander charging straight for Darius. An undefeated Alexander the Great would meet Darius in the Great King’s last stand against the Macedonian invader. He reportedly came across the famed Gordian Knot, that only the future king of Asia could untangle. Second-in-command was When the two armies clashed on the plain of Marathon in September 490 BCE, the Persian tactic of rapidly firing vast numbers of arrows into the enemy must have been an awesome sight but the lightness of the arrows meant that they were largely ineffective against the bronze-armoured hoplites. Take a second to support on Patreon! Ancient historian In any case, by the time this battle concluded, anywhere from 159 to 10,000 Greeks had been lost to as many as 257,000 Persians. I was shocked to read the massive number of persians that made up the armies. Xerxes was obviously disillusioned by this point, but he still had a fairly large army in Greece, even if his navy had suffered a cataclysmic loss, and that army would remain in Greece for the next year.

Nevertheless, the Persians did not give up and, in fact, would return with an even bigger military bent on conquest, rather than mere punishment.This battle marks the time that two important battles fought on land and sea during the second, more elaborate invasion of the Greek city-states by the Persian juggernaut. Darius, meanwhile, had lost an irreplaceable 40,000 to 90,000 in addition to maybe 300,000 captured … in ONE BATTLE!As a result, Alexander won Babylon, half of Persia, and the rest of Mesopotamia that he had not previously conquered. This list covers the ten most significant battles or sieges fought during these ancient wars, and are the battles from this era that are frequently the subjects of documentaries or cinematic reenactments and are essentially the ones that routinely are mentioned in textbooks as well.According to legend, the Greek messenger Pheidippides ran to Athens with news of the victory. Another 2,000 of their soldiers were captured.After Alexander’s triumph at the River Granicus, he gained control of half of Asia Minor. This and their longer spears, heavier swords, better armour, and rigid discipline of the phalanx formation meant that the Greek hoplites won a great victory against the odds. This list taught me a lot more about the Greco-Persian wars, including the accomplishments of Alexander the Great. He also received over 100 ships from Cyprus that joined his cause. By the end of 332, Alexander had also become pharaoh of After over a century of Greco-Persian conflicts, we finally come to the decisive battle of the Greco-Persian Wars. The Persian Wars lasted from 499-448 BC. The Athenian-led Delian League continued to fight Persia all the way until peace was finally agreed upon in 449. Alexander essentially cheated by severing the knot with his sword. In the aftermath of this victory, Persia lost the Aegean islands, and Ionia, where the crisis that started the Greco-Persian Wars in the first place nearly two decades earlier, began a second revolt against Persian rule.For the remainder of the century, relations between the Greek city-states and Persia were not exactly pleasant. Battle of Thermopylae.

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persian wars important battles

persian wars important battles

persian wars important battles

persian wars important battles