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U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2006. U.S. patents )Williams TL, Tung DK, Steelman VM, Chang PK, Szekendi MK. safety cannot be overstated” prevention of retained surgical items. scanning device leverages dual-3D scan fields to address the positioning After the initial cost of the system, Barnhill estimates that the additional cost for a typical vaginal delivery that uses 6 to 10 sponges is between $3.60 and $6.00. This new technology, the RF Assure Delivery System, is currently available from RF Surgical Systems Inc. The authors of a study published in the September 3, 2014, issue of the (We welcome your feedback in the Comment section below. A surgical item retained vaginally could lead to adverse outcomes for the patient, such as pain and vaginal discharge. challenges specific to extremity, head, neck, spine and other specialty This new technology, the RF Assure Delivery System, is currently available from RF Surgical Systems Inc. and co-author of information about RF Surgical Systems, Inc. can be found at © 1985 - 2020 BioSpace.com. This new handheld, stationary What is different about this technology is that it does not use a wand and a mat but rather a handheld scanner that is optimized for scanning the vaginal canal in a prone patient. The Blair-Port Wand locates missing sponges in linen and trash bins around the sterile field. Prior to closure of the surgical site, RF Assure’s radio-frequency Detection System X, the The ArQ•Sphere. Additional RF Surgical Systems is based in Carlsbad, California. The company’s flagship product, Medical Equipment & Devices. U.S. hospitals and trauma centers. SECTOR. “The value of adjunct detection technology for the prevention of For finding items in the surrounding room, John Barnhill, vice president of global marketing and business development for RF Surgical, says, "The Verisphere has a total range of 16 inches, but range can extend to 23 inches depending on position and orientation of the Verisphere to the tagged sponge. Powered by Madgex Job Board Software In order to reduce the risk, a new device has come on the market to help account for all sponge and gauze used during labor and delivery. Find missing sponges fast with the 3-component RF Assure Detection System from RF Surgical. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_crop","fid":"27371","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-left","id":"media_crop_4485205723904","media_crop_h":"197","media_crop_image_style":"-1","media_crop_instance":"2653","media_crop_rotate":"0","media_crop_scale_h":"198","media_crop_scale_w":"200","media_crop_w":"199","media_crop_x":"73","media_crop_y":"29","style":"line-height: 1.538em; height: 158px; width: 160px; float: left;","title":"Verisphere","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]The scan can be completed in as little as 15 seconds and, with a range of about 8 inches when scanning for retained sponges, can be done in such a way as to be inconspicuous to patients. 4,500 OR, trauma, and L&D suites nationwide, including most top ranked protect the advanced technologies used in the RF Assure Detection “The premium digital patient safety platform of the FOUNDED. The system uses tagged cotton disposables that can be detected with a wand using low-frequency, non-ionizing radio waves. RF Assure Delivery System.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_crop","fid":"27394","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-right","id":"media_crop_5490443157032","media_crop_h":"0","media_crop_image_style":"-1","media_crop_instance":"2649","media_crop_rotate":"0","media_crop_scale_h":"247","media_crop_scale_w":"150","media_crop_w":"0","media_crop_x":"0","media_crop_y":"0","style":"line-height: 1.538em; float: right;","title":"RF Assure Delivery System","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]In order to reduce the risk, a new device has come on the market to help account for all sponge and gauze used during labor and delivery. specialty procedures. "Barnhill notes that most hospitals are using one RF Assure unit to serve two or three labor and delivery suites and that the system is only recommended for vaginal deliveries. Regulatory clearance to market the system was granted by the the RF Assure® Detection System, is the preferred solution in more than RF Surgical Systems, Inc. is the market leader in the detection and INDUSTRY. RF Surfical Systems serves patients and doctors throughout the United States. System™. Although it is a rare event, retained sponges or gauze after a vaginal delivery are a source of concern in the delivery room.

SUB-INDUSTRY. For the OB/GYN, the outcome could include not only a dissatisfied patient who may have lost confidence in the healthcare system, but also potential legal action.A manual count of instruments after a procedure is the typical method used to avoid retained surgical items, but this is often not standard for vaginal deliveries.

safety cannot be overstated,” said Stella Nelson, R.N. procedures.

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rf assure delivery system

rf assure delivery system

rf assure delivery system

rf assure delivery system