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William Hofstadt (Eric Ladin) is Betty Draper's younger brother. Stan Rizzo (Jay R. Ferguson) becomes the art director at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce after Salvatore is fired. Megan, originally from Montreal, is bilingual in English and French. Given his mild social awkwardness, he is seemingly unaware of Don's opinion of him. After Don embarrasses Ted and Peggy in front of a client, Ted decides that he cannot be around Peggy anymore. Sally appears to be closer to her father than her mother, and in the Season 4 episode "The Beautiful Girls", she unexpectedly shows up at Don's office, because she wants to live with him instead of Betty and Henry Francis. One of their entourage is a "Doctor Feelgood" type, whom Don fends off to avoid receiving an injection of an unknown substance, after Don collapses by the pool and comes to on Joy's couch. Angered, Megan leaves the apartment. Eugene "Gene" Hofstadt (Ryan Cutrona) is Betty's elderly father, who does not approve of Don. Later, Benson intervenes in an argument between Michael Ginsberg and Jim Cutler, taking Cutler's side; his subsequent apology to Cutler leads Cutler to assign Bob to handle the Manischewitz account and give Bob a foot in the door with the Chevy business (although Bob doesn't seem to realize this is part of Cutler's efforts to stage a coup within the merged firm). For specific information on schedules, enrollment, pricing, housing, etc. Powell is the architect of PPL's sale to McCann Erickson, keeping the information from Lane Pryce and the rest of the Sterling Cooper staff. Don tries to kiss her, telling her she knows everything about him. Paul, too, addresses Hollis in an uncharacteristically familiar fashion, ostentatiously introducing Hollis to Paul's black girlfriend, Sheila, and telling Hollis to call him "Paul" instead of "Mr. Kinsey" in the Season 2 episode "The Inheritance". However, he is an alcoholic and drinks unusually heavily at work even by Sterling Cooper standards. Cutler angrily criticizes Ginsberg as a hypocrite for abhorring Dow's policies and yet accepting paychecks from them. While Peggy is walking Duck out, a drunk Don catches him in the office. He assumes Joan's position as office manager after her departure to become a housewife. Nevertheless, Don becomes obsessed with Sylvia and of thinking of ways to get her back. Cooper also seems to harbor some racist feelings, as evidenced in the Season 7 episode "A Day's Work" when, after, Joan has reassigned Dawn Chambers to the reception desk, Cooper complains that visitors to the agency are greeted by someone who is black. Throughout the course of the series, Joan has a long-standing affair with Roger Sterling, which results in their conceiving a son. Later episodes show Dawn conducting her new duties with aplomb, straining her relationship with Don. Paul dated Joan prior to the beginning of the series, but Joan ended the relationship because, according to Joan, Paul "has a big mouth". However, she does arrange for the luggage of rival admen to be temporarily "lost". Peggy and Abe become increasingly frustrated with the different directions their lives are taking, and after a serious incident in which Peggy accidentally stabs him, Abe ends the relationship. He asks Peggy for advice about public speaking and advertising church events such as a youth dance after learning about her employment in advertising, and changes the style of his Palm Sunday sermon to include more colloquialisms and be more accessible to his congregation after listening to Peggy's criticisms; he later gives her a copy of the sermon. Ages: 9U - 18U. Later in the season, Trudy gives birth to a daughter, whom they name Tamsin (Tammy). Showbiz Opinion; Machine Gun Kelly & Megan Fox Share Giant Red Flags on Valentine’s Day He, in turn, seems bitter toward his wife, accusing her of infidelity; he is much closer to Megan than to Marie and urges Megan to pursue her dreams. It is later discovered that Glen ran away from his home to stay in the Drapers' playhouse in the hopes of eloping with Betty; however, Betty calls Helen to retrieve her son, much to Glen's dismay. By Season 5 the two are working well together, until the firm hires Michael Ginsberg, whose bombastic and somewhat sexist attitude is more in line with Stan's than Peggy's. In the season finale it is revealed Dorothy married Manolo on a cruise ship and later "fell" overboard, implying Manolo married her to receive her (non-existent) riches and pushed her from the ship. In contrast with many of his colleagues Cooper abstains from smoking and even lectures Roger about being dependent on smoking. Gloria tries to hide the extent of Gene's illness in Season 2. Old-fashioned and harsh, she disapproves of Peggy's decisions to move to Manhattan and later, to live with Abe. The final image of him is sharing an embrace with Peggy during a late evening working. During the Season 1 episode "Red in the Face", Don pays Hollis to pretend the elevator is out of service in order to force Roger to climb the 23 flights of stairs to the office after an excessive lunch of oysters and martinis. Peggy meets her in the elevator in the Season 4 episode "The Rejected" and the two quickly become friends; Joyce introduces Peggy to the counter-culture scene of the early 1960s. The choice to be truthful makes an impact on Sally and she begins to forgive her father for his transgressions by the beginning of Season 7. While she is polite to Pete when he says goodbye to her and Tammy before his move to Los Angeles at the end of Season 6, she responds forcefully when Pete hypocritically snaps at her for staying out late one night in Season 7, stating that Pete is "no longer a part of this family." His jealousy manifests itself when Joan fires his secretary, Scarlett, for falsifying her time card. While Stan initially takes her advice, he is later discovered in flagrante delicto with Wendy Gleason, the hippie daughter of a recently deceased partner. At some point later, he becomes employed by CGC. Older than the other copywriters (his eldest daughter turns 30 in Season 2, and he served in World War II), he is a well-loved, lighthearted, and friendly staple of the office who can often be found doing things like playing Mozart pieces on his pants zipper. Dorothy greatly disapproves of Pete and Trudy's exploration into adoption, referring to orphans as "someone else's discards" and saying she will disinherit him if he adopts a child. Shirley is originally on Peggy's desk at the beginning of Season 7, but after confusion with Peggy over Valentine's Day flowers sent to Shirley by her fiancé, Peggy demands that Joan move her. His agency, Cutler, Gleason, and Chaough (CGC), picks up Don's resigned accounts Clearasil and Belle Jolie, and is competing with Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (SCDP) for an account with Honda in Season 4. In "Waterloo", Harry has not yet signed his approved partnership deal, wanting to hold out for more money, and Roger tells him that he "missed the boat" and that the idea of his becoming partner is now off the table. Youth Sports Guidance - CDPH - 12/14 Release Updated guidance on Youth Recreational Sports in California December 15, 2020; 2021 Next Level Flag Football - Season Update Important Season Update - Next Level Flag Football Update for all Next Level locations, not including Next Level Flag Football at SMU, University of Colorado, Bishop Gorman (Las Vegas) or any upcoming Spring program. His behavior and manners continue to be erratic and begin to deteriorate throughout the season, culminating in a psychotic breakdown brought on by the installation of an IBM computer in the old creative breakroom in "The Runaways". They share their hardscrabble beginnings and laugh about Don's urinating in the trunks of fancy clients' cars at the roadhouse where he had worked as a valet. In Season 7, Don has a vision of Rachel attending a casting call for aspiring models. One night, she musters the courage to confess to Joan that she has loved her since they met the first week in college, but Joan pretends to ignore her romantic advances in favor of not spoiling their friendship. She is named a feminine variation of Thomas, after her maternal grandfather. When Sally stows away on a train and a stranger brings her to Don's office, Faye reveals her discomfort with children and, although Sally liked her, her fear that she'd failed some test as a result. Meanwhile, Sal and Kitty have not had sex in several months and Kitty tells Sal she needs "tending to". Initially writing them a check for $300 for one of her paintings out of pity, Don instead gives Midge $120 in cash he had in his wallet following advances made by Midge and leaves with one of her paintings. Realizing this on the train back, she has no choice but to go to Don's work and ask him for a ride. Robert "Bobby" Draper (Maxwell Huckabee in season 1; Aaron Hart in seasons 1 and 2; Jared S. Gilmore in seasons 3 and 4; and Mason Vale Cotton in seasons 5, 6 and 7) is Don and Betty Draper's middle child. Sal is shown to have a sarcastic side to his personality, mocking Pete after he nearly loses his job and laughing at Freddy Rumsen urinating himself. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy. He also brought Frank Gleason's daughter Wendy to the office that weekend, shortly after her father's funeral, and later peeked on Stan and Wendy having sex. He joins the other men of Sterling Cooper in flirting with the women in the workplace. After Betty's beloved father dies, the much older Henry also serves as a father figure for her. Cynthia is a New York society girl, who appears to have moved in the same Manhattan social circles as the presumably older Trudy Campbell, with whom she gets along well. We did that for a year. When he brings her a piece he wrote condemning the capitalist attitudes of Wall Street, which names some of the firms with which Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce is contracted, Peggy loses her temper with Abe. As he talks to Sally, he breaks down crying. Don realizes that he has been missing out on his children's lives. He has sex with Paul's Hare Krishna girlfriend without Paul's knowledge. Although William is shown to be jealous of his father favoring Betty as a child, Judy seems to be a warm and kind caregiver for Gene. The youngest baby was born soon after Peggy's illegitimate child with Pete Campbell. Roger fires Sal on the spot. Ken calls Cynthia "his life" and does not want to use her or his future father-in-law to get business, claiming in Season 4 that he does not want to be like Pete Campbell. In the Season 6 episode "To Have and to Hold," Joan reprimands Dawn for covering for Harry Crane's secretary by punching her out five hours after the secretary had already left the building. However, seeing her dressed provocatively to go on a date with another man, Ted camps out at her door until she returns. Peggy escorts Duck out, later telling Don she turned to Duck because she was having a "confusing time.". In Season 3, Gloria is not seen, but Betty's brother William discovers that Gloria, unable to deal with Gene's deteriorating condition and overall difficult demeanor, has left him and moved to Boca Raton. Burt Peterson (Michael Gaston) is Head of Accounts at Sterling Cooper until 1963, when Roger Sterling fires him in the Season 3 premier "Out of Town" at Lane Pryce's instigation. She is the archetypal dissatisfied 1960s housewife, who dutifully turned her back on her education and professional career (as a model) to become a homemaker. Joan makes fun of his relationship with his black girlfriend, as she believes he is seeing her only to appear interesting. Pete is remorseful, but Hollis remains hardened. "[8] Feldman expressed surprise upon learning of the final story arc, stating "my jaw just dropped to the floor". She is last seen with her husband in Season 7, having reconciled with Arnie and ended her relationship with Don. In season 6's "The Flood," Don and Joan, largely untouched by the struggles of the Civil Rights Movement, connect with the assassination of Rev. He learns about Peggy's pregnancy during the confession of Peggy's sister, Anita, and he appears to take an interest in bringing Peggy more fully into the church community. Marie suggests Megan dress less like a wife for a business dinner Don has invited Megan to, which attracts Don's amorous attention that night, but ultimately he practically ignores her, and she, believing he is simply working and drinking too much, tells him things must change. Duck explains to Pete that the merger between SCDP and CGC has left confusion in the management structure, which has left Pete's role unclear and therefore it is difficult for Duck to find prominent positions for Pete in New York. In "Man with a Plan", Bob tactfully assists Joan when she is in pain due to an ovarian cyst and, displaying an ability to think quickly and a willingness to lie, tells the nurse that Joan has just ingested poison, resulting in Joan's receiving treatment immediately after her abdominal pain alone had failed to result in any treatment. Pete fires Manolo for sexually assaulting his mother, much to Dorothy's fury. This summer, she'll be sending two of her three sons to camp. Bert, at the meeting of Harry's outburst, assures Joan that will never happen. At first, Peggy's repeated efforts to confront his sexist attitudes are as his peer, but Joey brushes her aside. He has a complicated love/hate relationship with his son, whom he dominates, sometimes by physically violent means, in order to make him "take action and sort his problems" so as to "put his house in order". Convinced that this is true, he arrives at Peggy's apartment to escape from it in order to do his work, but later wakes Peggy in order to 'reproduce' and therefore beat the machine. Although she wears a wedding ring, she admits to Don this is merely a ruse to ward off unwanted advances. Later in Season 4, Ken is having dinner with his fiancée, Cynthia, and future in-laws when he learns that Lucky Strike, SCDP's biggest client by far, is taking their business to another agency. Don is inspired by the idea, and instead of allowing Stan to go, proposes to the partners that he himself go to start the branch. This is a list of fictional characters in the television series Mad Men, all of whom have appeared in multiple episodes. Megan later reveals to Don that she had been pregnant and miscarried.

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