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how did maine get its name and nickname


how did maine get its name and nickname

No matter what you say, nothing is going to change the Real Definition of America. Most continent names start with an “A” and end with an “A”, with the middle part being descriptive, and the ending usually includes “ia” or “ica” meaning “place of”, like Asia means “place of China”. But you have to go out side of this country to get real information, and the rest of the world laughs at us. The correct name for the US is: United States of America. Brazilians named their country Brazil. America is named after … Yet believable as it was not written by the many native tribes that were already here including the Tawny dark people Mr Columbus wrote about in his journey. Wait, who goes to Portland, Oregon in winter either? THE REST OF YOU ARE NOT IF YOU CALLED YOURSELF OTHER THAN AN AMERICAN. The Library has plenty of other resources on Waldseemüller and the map, including videos and a pretty cool story regarding the institution’s partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in building a hermetically sealed case for the priceless map. America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer who set forth the then revolutionary concept that the lands that Christopher Columbus sailed to in 1492 were part of a separate continent. zbtop: The PDX TSA and airport in general are actually pretty well known for being one of the better organized and run outfits. The first time the name “America” appeared on a map, it was written over the current territory of Brazil. Our Ancestors not from Africa told us and made notes. The British, Dutch, German, Irish and many other countries settled there and created “The USA” and “Americans”. How sad. Derived from this single source, this made-up derivation has been copied ever after. may result in removed comments. It is certainly correct in English to call the citizens of the United States of America “American”, but it is also correct to call any inhabitant of the American continent that way, it could be said that they are homonymous words. Inspector General | Legal | Accessibility | External Link Disclaimer | USA.gov, map created in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Franklin/01-13-02-0035, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-08-02-0163, National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. So, that means that the U.S.A. is using the name given to the continent? I had an idiot coworker that did that. You may not like it, but this is a simple fact. Not so United though these days are they. Freedom for the Europe. You can see perfectly clear were the name America evolved from. Great information on the name. Don’t take my word for any of it, but don’t deny this information unless you research it first. Is it possible that the name America was derived from the Spanish “mar rico” meaning “rich sea” referring to the islands and coasts of the new world. Humans beings lived on the land we call America. Which The United States is a privately owned Corporation. I especially agree with Doug – I do think Canada should call itself United Provinces of America and UPA for the short version (which can be considered Optional as a Nickname for Canada)!!! The North Star represents the state motto: "Dirigo" ("I Direct"). In the early 1800s, coon was a nickname for a sly person, likened to the clever shiftiness of the animal. “Lady Liberty” or of that on a larger scale, “Mother Earth”). (https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-08-02-0163) Amerike is chiefly remembered because of old documents rediscovered in 1955, proving his ship’s discovery of Newfoundland and lands southward to Maryland in 1497. The name come form the Moors cause they lived there 500 years before Columbus or Vespucci it’s a blood line not religion where everyone can come to give glories to the government. America got its name from the merger of Northwest Amexum and Northwest Africa. All you so called research scholars, worry about your own roots and trace them back to Noah’s Ark and see which pair you belonged too…, This is a blatant bofaced lie that Our “usa” gov has been pushing in the schools to indoctrinate us to believe what they say, but if you are to do your research you will find that Loooooooooooooong before Amerigo Vespucci seen ( not found or discovered ) this land it was here and it was called many things but specifically there was a Formidable town call Amaru named after its king Amaru Khan and that town/city was traversed by europeans to barter and trade and the variations of America went as follows; amaracapana amaraca amaru ameri amarca Amaruca etc. No Catchy Nickname: Years ago, I rang up a travel agent to book a flight from Japan to Manchester, UK. “So you and everyone can call it United States of America after that, but you cannot call it simply “America” because it wouldn’t be correct and may cause the issues and confusion we have nowadays”. The name apper too latin to suppose the origin come from Ameryk. He included on the map data gathered by Vespucci during his voyages of 1501-1502 to the New World. The young couple sitting next to him thought they were on a flight to Daytona, Florida. The land of freedom and opportunity. You'll give the TSA a good name. Right where the Villages are.!. Some scholars have picked up the term with a reference to the illegitimacy of colonialism. 1821? Certainly, there were people here before Europeans. You should clarify that America is the name of the whole continent, named after Amerigo Vespucci. One continent, one name. University of Hawaii at Manoa – (HawaiÊ»i Rainbow Warriors and Rainbow Wahine) From 2000 through 2013, each team was allowed to select its own nickname; most notably, the football team was simply known as "The Warriors". NO BRAINER. IF UNITED STATES TAKES OVER CANADA NOW CANADA BELONGS IN AMERICA WHEN ITS ALREADY FOUND ON AMERICAN CONTINENT. It is definition 4a – used as a function word to indicate the whole that includes the part denoted by the preceding word – most of the army. The Dutch prefix AM means brave, As in Amsterdam which means the brave people who live in a city of dams.Erigo is the Portugese way of saying the German name Heinrich which is Henry in English. FarkingChas: I had an idiot coworker that did that. HOW OFTEN YOU REFERENCE YOURSELF AS AN AMERICAN? So it’s pretty obvious that United States didn’t make up the word in question. [Fark user image image 716x301]. No other country in the Western Hemisphere named their country with the name “America” as part of that country name. It is called ‘America’. Amerrk/Amurruk, it means “land in the west” It is possible – perhaps even probable – that the continents were referred to as ‘America’ early after their European discovery. I wish to see the percent of Canadians who see America as a continent versus a country. If you actually really research this you will not like what you find out about how are supposed fellow countrymen has been making fools of us. Our founders created a new nation and called it, The United States of America. the country could have been simply called America but the inclusion of ‘the united states’ was to show solidarity of the colonies to the British Crown. Links to external Internet sites on Library of Congress Web pages do not constitute the Library's endorsement of the content of their Web sites or of their policies or products. “America” is a continent and not a country. the voice of raisin: gunsmack: Bewildered is about the nicest way to put it. But we are 50 united states of a country we call America. But the evolution of the word to mean the region inhabited by the Colonists *before* the Declaration of Independence cannot be disputed and many (most?) Similarly, “Atlan” or “Aztlan” is still the name used to this day by many native Americans, for this “new” continent, with this name being found within names for their tribes (AZTec) and their places (MazATLAN, and their language (NuhuATL) and is why the name ATLANtic was applied to the ocean one would sail to get to ATLAN: Think about it, the name “Atlantic” literally means “relating to Atlan. I agree with them and will be forever on their side! They could not be more different than the USA citizens. Records show that, in 1481…”R. They must have been terrified. I think (the top) people in the “United States of (the continent) America” started to increasingly refer to their country just as “America”, thus appropriating the name of the continent, because the name is “warmer” and more “evocative” than just “United States of America”. Neither one bothered to look at the flight and arrival times. AMERICA IS NOT A COUNTRY AMERICA ITS A CONTINENT. It’s all on congressional documents. For more than 350 years the map was housed in a 16th-century castle in Wolfegg, in southern Germany. This is what we want to be called. Please tell the real truth. Coon definition, raccoon. About two dozen times Franklin and his questioners referred to the Colonies as ‘America’. (https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Franklin/01-13-02-0035) Of the continent. America got it’s name from the Amaru Khans, they where the original people! There were no other countries on the American continents in the year 1776 when the U.S.A was named, only European colonies. Before that time, there was no name that collectively identified the Western Hemisphere. Most of the world thinks of the country as the UNITED STATES of America. I think America is also named for Mercia, a region in Anglo-Saxon England from 518? Notice they never really tell us why the name of America was before Spain set foot here. They probably bought their tickets at a counter, and the person helping them only ever heard of PDX. That’s why we have a president/CEO/overseer. Also confusing is a Maine resident named Rios, or was he flown in special? Yet we are treated as nothing in our own land and you are nothing but squatters. Took them 24 hours to finally get to Portland OR. My wife is a race timer and her company used to time the Maine Marathon in Portland every year. Not for the slaves and indigenous people. Now there are 50 states that are united…the United States. They were send to Portland, Oregon? If he had discovered the land, it would be known as Vespucciland. How can you be so great when you are the bully of the world, defending all the bad causes of the world and seeking only power and money with a total disregard for humans, even those living in your own land. Being the name “America” more suggestive and evocative (it’s a female name, unlike “USA” which just sounds colder) it’s also an easier name on which to build a foundation for a godless, nationalistic religion, with the flag as its religious symbol (similar to the cross in Christianity), the anthem as a religious hymn (people get mad when you kneel during that…), the military as their priests (I even heard a UFC fighter, unironically nicknamed “Captain America”, years ago say after a fight that USA soldiers are the second coming of Christ on earth and that they are “dying for our sins”…), and the various presidents as the delegates of some kind of “God” on earth which “bless America” (and look down on the rest of the world, obviously, as the “America/God” religion is seen by its followers as a religious “truth”, just like the “american exceptionalism” dogma loved by both Democrats and Republicans, even though pretty much every country in the world is “exceptional” in its own way). Get this Flag • President John Adam’s first inaugural address. See more. EEUU es un país que literal mente no tiene nombre por lo tanto eso tampoco les permite tener un gentilicio propio único que los identifique su “nombre” solo indica su posición geográfica donde se encuentran situados en un CONTINENTE llamado AMERICA “estados unidos DE america” que serían los estados unidos de las colonias británicas en AMERICA las 13 colonias británicas en AMERICA haciendo referencia al CONTINENTE donde se encuentran situados llamado AMERICA caso parecido el nombre del país SUDÁFRICA que su nombre sólo indica su posición geográfica donde se encuentran situados al SUR de un CONTINENTE llamado ÁFRICA pero como las ratas de EEUU están acostumbrados a querer apropiarse de lo que no les pertenece y como su país literalmente NO TIENE NOMBRE los muy ignorantes idiotas sin vergüenzas ladrones estafadores se empezaron a creer los únicos “american” del mundo y lo más estúpido y ridículo del caso empezaron a considerar sólo “america” a su país y así viven en su mundito irreal falsificado y de fantasía pobre gente estúpida ignorante dan lástima. “…America celebrates its independence. In all fairness, who goes to Portland, Maine in winter? Going to America in the Portuguese language meant going to Brazil. As opposed to the slang, broken Spanish commonly heard in the United States today from citizens based out of Middle and South America. While crossing the Atlantic, Vespucci met the returning fleet of Cabral, then homeward bound from Brazil, and was advised of prevailing latitudes, trade winds and ocean currents. July 4th. skinink: "The family was trying to get to Portland, Maine, but a travel agent accidentally booked them a flight to the Portland International Airport (PDX) in Oregon, instead of Maine's Portland International Jetport (PWM). America is a continent, not a country. "The family was trying to get to Portland, Maine, but a travel agent accidentally booked them a flight to the Portland International Airport (PDX) in Oregon, instead of Maine's Portland International Jetport (PWM).". Geography and Map Division. If you want to be called America we will address you as America. The USA is in fact one of two countries in North America. In every other language in the world, over 100+, America is, as everyone knows, a double continent “discovered” 500 years ago, also called the new world. South Americans are free to call themselves whatever they like – Americans in the US honestly don’t care – but simply insisting that “America is a continent and not a country” doesn’t make it true. To wit: until ca 918 AD. Click here to read them. I know someone who was on a  business flight to Dayton, Ohio. The European portion. Spanish speakers have the concept of “hacerse la América,” meaning to get rich in the Western Hemisphere (ordinarily in a Spanish-speaking place) without necessarily living there permanently. These are the geography facts everyone keeps getting wrong! These names have been around for 1000s of years. In 1977, the World Council of Indigenous Peoples (Consejo Mundial de Pueblos Indígenas) proposed using the term Abya Yala instead of “America” when referring to the continent. And that, your founding fathers, after the country got its Independence many years later after the continent was named, decided to call it United States of America. Also North Africa So you have to understand that most likely they would name this “New World” something in their own native language, that which being Spanish. Columbus was not the first European in the New World but “his discovery” lead to the Those that bother to look up a map can clearly deduced that America is in fact a continent comprising 3 Americas… North, central and South. Salem?/c'mon Oregon, quit stealing place names. Do you think we can go to England and take over the land? While the colonies may have established it, “America” was given a name long before. He was the principal owner of Master John Cabot’s ship, Matthew, during his voyage of exploration to North America in 1497. It’s good enough for me, no matter what history books say. Problem is, they were in Jacksonville, FL.I managed to get it refunded later. I have learned so much, thank you for informing me on something so astonishing. Seeking funds from King Ferdinand of Spain, he told the king that the western continent really did exist, it even had a name – and Columbus adapted “Markland” into the Spanish way of speaking, which requires an initial vowel “A-”, and dropped “-land” substituting “-ia”. Every year at least a few people would show up who had registered for the Portland Marathon in Oregon. I think I will just think of myself as American thank you. It’s easy to imagine where this island off the coast of Maine got its unusual name—just squint at it. It would appear that another name should apply. Anyway, when the sun will stop burning (if a big asteroid dont hit the earth first and have the entire human race wiped off like the dinosaurs), the piece of land which some Unitedstaters have elevated to a God/religion, will disappear into dust, along with the rest of the world, for the rest of eternity in this infinite and dark universe. Explorer John Cabot (English name) ‘discovered’ NORTH America in 1497 – four years before Vespucci. “of” in this case is a function word that indicates the whole (America) that includes the part denoted by the preceding word (United States). The map the Library of Congress bought clearly states above idea and still they say they are “America”. Im wondering why there is no feedback or dispute to the people that spoke to the more remote time of this “America” being connected to A-Mooru-khan or Amaur-Khan etc from comment # 9 & # 19….. Im sensing that to be the more reasonable argument. “America”, has never been, “United” as a country! That’s the correct title. Tell the truth please. Today, America celebrates its independence. I’m a few years late to comment, but this brief article is so confusing. Variants- Amurika, Amerrica, Amurru, Amaru, Amerruka, This describes even the current idea and image of what America is and how it is portrayed to the rest of the world. It was NOT named after Amerigo Vespucci. Your description of America being a latinized version of Amerigo is ambiguous and nonsensical. Bloomington IL occasionally gets mixed up with Bloomington IN, and even a couple times for Bloomington MN. – really different types of … the word’s/name’s demonym. Americans are the people from all the countries inside the continent (from Canada to Argentina). I really struggle understanding the logic of American politics or North Americans, especially when they vote a Psychopath to be president. Call yourselves whatever you like, but you will never affect our status as Americans, so quit trying. America don’t celebrate its independence on 4th July, The US does. Although, apparent to most people now, America and the “American dream” was built and is still being built based on Capitalism and Capitalists ideas. “an Un-named Country” when he discovered it. All of this doesn’t make any sense. Amerigo Vespucci, though, never set foot on North America. So, a land across the “mer” (ocean)is logically called A-MER-ica (land cross the ocean) on old maps and by old-time sailors from England, Ireland, etc., who occasionally confirmed its existence in person. In other words, stealing. The following is a table of U.S. state and territory nicknames, including officially adopted nicknames and other traditional nicknames for the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, as well as five U.S. territories. The fact that Cabot was under the ‘protection’ of the King of England – but was financed by Welsh businessman Richard Ameryk – whose last name (which was common practice to use when naming new lands at the time) is also similar to ‘America’ appears to fall on blind eyes and deaf ears. Amurruka, America. From Patagonia to The Northwest Territories..we are all Americans.like it or not. The rest of the world understands this, and then they come here and get are birthrights by claiming there nationality and get money to start businesses and live the good life because people think Amerigo Vespucci is the correct name. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's Ragin' Asian: skinink: "The family was trying to get to Portland, Maine, but a travel agent accidentally booked them a flight to the Portland International Airport (PDX) in Oregon, instead of Maine's Portland International Jetport (PWM). While the colonies may have established it, “America” was given a name long before. Thus, you are NOT the only ‘true’ Americans on this planet. This is good news for the Silurians. There are also names in other indigenous languages such as Ixachilan and Runa Pacha. CHINA ARE CHINESE, VIETNAM ARE VIETNAMESE, AND KOREA ARE KOREANS BUT THEY’RE ALL ASIANS BECAUSE THEY’RE FROM THE CONTINENT OF ASIA. In Real English… Way to go them! America. When I went to Costa Rica some years ago, I worried about me or my luggage or maybe both getting routed to San Jose, California, instead of San José, Costa Rica. Then they wanted independence from the people they were running from( England). The aboriginal peoples of the Americas are, Going to America in the English language meant going to what now is the US. Imagine the Oversight of such a Powerful Governance. BUT NO ONE ELSE OUT OF THE UNITED STATES. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING…? Why aren’t the Indigenous People shouting “send them back” oh thats right they were massacred. Seriously? The naming and renaming of the land subsequent to the, “13 Colonies”, (which in itself was incorrect) should have been correctly named by and for its inhabitants. Nonsense! I’m even glad, they will TELL ‘USA people’ are from the United States (Not from America). Took them 24 hours to finally get to Portland OR. Prelims on ESPN+ at 5 PM ET, main card on ESPN+ at 8 PM ET, Humans might not have evolved if things were slightly different. America Keen fought for Freedom and James Velma Keen became Guardian to Her orphaned Children 1876 US President granted Land to Him in Sumter County Florida. The cartographer Martin Waldseemueller in 1507 made up the name ‘America’ by converting m mAmerigo’ [Vespucci’s first name] into Latin to honor his discovery of the SOUTH AMERICAN Continent. The map reflected a huge leap forward in knowledge, recognizing the newly found American landmass and forever changing mankind’s understanding and perception of the world itself. The native Indians proximate Mexico say they came from the Caribbeaan near Cuba after severe flooding, which could have been due to the glacial melting thousands of years ago. In 1776, United States became the first independent country in … America. Did you know? (Feminine context was used hence Explorers during this period allegedly known for using metaphorical gender pronouns to describe or refer to continents as females or having possessed feminine qualities, E.G. Here let me spell it out for you…we started out as 13 colonies that decided to rebel against Great Britain. The second one changed his correct ticket so they could be on the same flight. Also in the early 1800s, coon was used as a nickname for a member of the Whig political party, who used the animal as their mascot, apparently embracing the animal for its … Amerigo latinized version is AMERICA. Christopher Columbus and the Spanish Armada claimed to have discovered America or the so called “New World”. Americans, Amurricans, Amurrukans, Amurikans, Al Maurikas, All I care about is that my mother used to always say that we are “all American mutts” in our family, because we have so many nationalities in us, which I’m proud of. North America was not named after…Amerigo Vespucci. But, without regard for their right to exist and the exploitation subsequent exploitation of their land, that was never going to be permitted. I truly love my fellow Canadians who get upset in front of the USA if they use the words ‘America’ and ‘American’ as their nationality. Years ago, I rang up a travel agent to book a flight from Japan to Manchester, UK. It’s hard to believe that so many people (mostly South Americans) don’t realize that the entire world does not agree with their contention that”America” is one continent. Not, his story. However, there has been no refute or comment about that! Learn yankis.. A’mur’kans/Maurs. My wife got this great airfare to Athens. America is the land of the west, 11. But the only info that comes out is this one, that it is the new world’s name, the continent that Columbus discovered. The lady on the other end spent quite a bit of time looking it up, and came up with this really tortuous flight path which would have taken me about two days to get … The seven continent model, with the two separate continents of North America & South America, is much more widely taught/followed around the world than the five continent model, with one single continent called “America,” is. THANK GOD!!! Morocco actually controlled the seas and America and allowed the expelled Brits to settle in what is now North America.

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