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samaria meaning in bible


samaria meaning in bible

They were half-Jews and half-Gentiles. The foreigners also brought their pagan gods. Tools. Explore Biblical Bethlehem: The City of David and Birthplace of Jesus, Israel Tour Pictures: Photo Journal of the Holy Land, The Woman at the Well Bible Story Study Guide, The Ultimate List of Christmas Bible Verses to Celebrate Jesus' Birth, Profile of the Region of Galilee - History, Geography, Religion, Enjoy the Complete Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus, All the People Raised From the Dead in the Bible, M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University. We will soon see that in Samaria, Jesus impartially shares the Gospel with Gentiles for the first time. Note to Teacher: The Greek word for Jesus’ need to go through Samaria was “dei,” meaning, “the necessity of law and command, of duty, of equity.” The dictionary defines equity as the quality of being fair or impartial. Bible Meaning: Watch (station) mountain, guardianship. Here Omri resided during the last six years of his reign. As the result of an unsuccessful war with Syria, he appears to have been obliged to grant to the Syrians the right to "make streets in Samaria", i.e., probably permission to the Syrian merchants to carry on their trade in the Israelite capital. שמר. The wall around it was 2 1/2 miles long, and in the centre of the city was a park 900 feet square containing a magnificent temple dedicated to Caesar. They also believed the center of worship should remain at Shechem, on Mount Gerizim, where it had been in the time of Joshua. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The violators of the Jewish laws, and those who had been excommunicated, found safety for themselves in Samaria, greatly increasing the hatred which existed between the two nations. Some architectural remains it has, partly of Christian construction or adaptation, as the ruined church of St. John the Baptist, partly, perhaps, traces of Idumaean magnificence, St. Jerome, whose acquaintance with Palestine imparts a sort of probability to the tradition which prevailed so strongly in later days, asserts that Sebaste, which he invariably identifies with Samaria was the place in which St. John the Baptist was imprisoned and suffered death. (accessed March 13, 2021). Samaria as a city in the Bible was the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel. However, the majority of the population consisted of Israelites who had not been deported and … Thus the meaning of the Hebrew name Samaria (Shomron) is “watch-mountain,” though according the Bible the city was named after the owner of the hill, Shemer. Ahab built a temple to Baal there. of Sandwiched between Galilee to the north and Judea to the south, the region of Samaria figured prominently in the history of Israel, but over the centuries it fell prey to foreign influences, a factor which drew scorn from neighboring Jews. Jesus usually refrained from preaching in the region in his travels, but at times he passed through it and spoke to the inhabitants. The verb שמר ( shamar) means to guard or to exercise great care over. Famine and War . On his way from Judea to Galilee, Jesus deliberately cut through Samaria, where he had the now-famous encounter with the woman at the well. The Jews accused the Samaritans of idolatry, straying away from Yahweh, and considered them a mongrel race. But Samaria was the choice of Omri alone. ( 2 Kings 15:13 2 Kings 15:14 ) In B.C. In Hebrew, the name Samaria means “watch-mountain” or “watch-tower,” which correlates with its hilly features (Easton’s Bible Dictionary, “Samaria”). 1 Kgs 13:32 . Wesley's Notes for John 4:4. The Samaritans furthered the rift by producing their own version of the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. As the number of villages on the seaward slopes of the Ephraimite hill country grew, sparsely populated Samaria preserved its status as a city of the elite. Much later, the city of Samaria was built on a hill by King Omri and named after the former owner, Shemer. Shalmaneser V, king of Assyria, sieged the city for three years but died in 721 BC during the siege. Proud member Samaria [N] [H] [S] a watch-mountain or a watch-tower. The greater part of Joram 's reign was an unhappy one. 24 And he bought the hill Samaria of Shemer for two talents of silver, and built on the hill, and called the name of the city which he built, after the name of Shemer, owner of the hill, Samaria. read more. Usage: Samaria, a small district of Palestine, bounded by Galilee on the north, and by Judaea on the south, and taking its name from the city of Samaria, the ancient capital of … This city, after passing through various vicissitudes, was given by the emperor Augustus to Herod the Great, who rebuilt it, and called it Sebaste (Gr. He laid siege to Samaria (B.C. This would have been shocking to his audience, but the message was clear. Samaria. 1 Kings 13:32. Jesus had a heart for Samaria. This hill was chosen by Omri as the site of the capital of the kingdom of Israel. His reception was better there than in his home own of Nazareth. samaria - Biblical Meaning for samaria in Eastons Bible Dictionary (Bible History Online) His road lay through Samaria, - Weymouth Bible He needed to pass through Samaria. History of Samaria. He called it Sebaste=Augusta , after the name of his patron, Augustus Caesar. Saul committed suicide there. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. It was about the sixth hour. It is an oblong hill, with steep but not inaccessible sides, and a long flat top. "History of Samaria." Israel was the part in the north of the Israelites' country. Samaria means "watch mountain" and is the name of both a city and a territory. A Message about Samaria - What sorrow awaits the proud city of Samaria— the glorious crown of the drunks of Israel. - World English Bible And it bihofte hym to passe bi Samarie. The city of Samaria was located in central Israel, about 30 miles north of Jerusalem and about 6 miles northwest of Shechem. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Even a Samaritan knew how to love his neighbor. Many years later, another battle at Mount Gilboa claimed the lives of King Saul's two sons. ( 1 Kings 16:32 1 Kings 16:33 ) It was twice besieged by the Syrians, in B.C. ( 1 Kings 16:23 1 Kings 16:24 ) From the that of Omris purchase, B.C. This should concern or confuse us. "History of Samaria." For the saying which he cried by the word of the LORD against the altar in Bethel, and against all the houses of the high places which are in the cities of Samaria, shall surely come to pass. The famishing inhabitants of the city were soon relieved with the abundance of the spoil of the Syrian camp; and it came to pass, according to the word of Elisha, that "a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of barely for a shekel, in the gates of Samaria" ( 2 Kings 7:1-20 ). Strong's Concordance #H8111, #G4540. But there was more. The name Samaria comes from the verb שמר ( shamar ), meaning to keep, guard, observe or give heed: Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary. As such it possessed many advantages. But just when success seemed to be within their reach, they suddenly broke up the seige, alarmed by a mysterious noise of chariots and horses and a great army, and fled, leaving their camp with all its contents behind them. (Placename) the capital of this kingdom; constructed northwest of Shechem in the 9th century bc. Meaning of Samaria in Easy English – A part of the country that was called Israel. This city is situated 30 miles north of Jerusalem and about six miles to the northwest of Shechem, in a wide basin-shaped valley, six miles in diameter, encircled with high hills, almost on the edge of the great plain which borders upon the Mediterranean. Jesus even revealed to her that he was the Messiah. Samaria was frequently besieged. The second episode was Jesus' parable of the good Samaritan. 721 Samaria was taken, after a siege of three years, by Shalmaneser king of Assyria, ( 2 Kings 18:9 2 Kings 18:10 ) and the kingdom of the ten tribes was put an end to. Zavada, Jack. That a Jewish man would talk to a woman was amazing; that he would talk to a Samaritan woman was unheard of. At Mount Gilboa in northern Samaria, God gave Gideon and his 300 men a stunning victory over the massive armies of the Midianite and Amalekite raiders. - Wycliffe Bible and it was behoving him to go through Samaria. Also Known As: Palestine. Meaning: watch-mountain . The angel found this future judge near the oak at Ophrah, threshing wheat in a winepress. During the time of Jesus, Samaria was located between Galilee to the north and Judea to the south. The capital city of the northern ten-tribe kingdom of Israel for some 200 years, as well as the name of its entire territory. In Jesus’ time, Samaria was the name of a district that lay between Galilee in the north and Judea in the south. Respected religious leaders, on the other hand, were sometimes hypocrites. Samaria occupied the" centre of Palestine (John 4:4). Samaria was the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel, built by King Omri in the ninth century B.C.E. 901, ( 1 Kings 20:1 ) and in B.C. He, indeed, gave to the city which he had built the name of its former owner, but its especial connection with himself as its founder is proved by the designation which it seems Samaria bears in Assyrian inscriptions, Beth-khumri ('the house or palace of Omri'). Free eBook: Getting Through the Storms in Life, Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Samaria, Bible Dictionaries - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Samaria, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Samaria, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The city was built on a mountain of the same name. 892, ( 2 Kings 6:24-7 ; 2 Kings 6:20 ) but on both occasions the siege was ineffectual. Learn Religions. All rights reserved. The ancient ruins of Samaria (Daniel Ventura / CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The city re-emerged during the Persian Period and after the conquests of Alexander the Great, it was garrisoned by Macedonian soldiers. 2. When Assyria captured the northern kingdom of Israel in 721 B.C. He replaced them by a colony of Syro-Macedonians who occupied the city until the time of John Hyrcanus, who took it after a years siege, and did his best to demolish it entirely. In the heart of the mountains of Israel, a few miles north-west of Shechem, stands the "hill of Shomeron," a solitary mountain, a great "mamelon." Hebrew Name: Samaria in Hebrew is Shomron, meaning “watch-mountain,” or “watch-tower.”. "It may be noticed that the distance between Samaria and "Jerusalem, the respective capitals of the two kingdoms, is only" 35 miles in a direct line. King Ahab built a temple to the pagan god Baal there. The Samaritans willingly received Jewish criminals and refugees from justice. The Samaritans cried out to God, who sent his angel to visit a man named Gideon. According to the Hebrew Bible, the Hebrew name "Shomron" is derived from the individual [or clan] Shemer, from whom King Omri (ruled 880s–870s BCE) purchased the hill on which he built his new capital city (1 Kings 16:24). In the days of Jehoram this Benhadad again laid siege to Samaria, during which the city was reduced to the direst extremities. All the others had been already consecrated by patriarchal tradition or previous possession. Shalmaneser invaded Israel in the days of Hoshea, and reduced it to vassalage. For seven consecutive years there was a severe famine in the land. Samaria, the name of that kingdom’s capital, was located between Galilee in the north and Judea in the south. Shomron, the Hebrew translation of Samaria, literally means "watch mountain" or "watch tower". The place is referred to as “the hill of Samaria” in 1 Kings 16:24. The Samaritans were a racially mixed society with Jewish and pagan ancestry. ", Stanley. Tap or hover on blue, underlined words to … He is the author of "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges. Those people intermarried with the Israelites in the region. (Placename) the region of ancient Palestine that extended from Judaea to Galilee and from the Mediterranean to the River Jordan; the N kingdom of Israel. Zavada, Jack. "It was the only great city of Palestine created by the sovereign. It sits at the head of a fertile valley, but its glorious beauty will fade like a flower. What does the source Hebrew word שֹׁמְרוֹן mean and how is it used in the Bible? Omri, the king of Israel, purchased this hill from Shemer its owner for two talents of silver, and built on its broad summit the city to which he gave the name of "Shomeron", i.e., Samaria, as the new capital of his kingdom instead of Tirzah ( 1 Kings 16:24 ).

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